Bursectomy & subacromial spur일부 제거 8) Lateral portal : spinal needle 18G marking후 mess#11 incision -> Crystal cannula 9) Lateral instrument portal : spinal needle 18G marking후 mess...
Acromion subacromial spur(+) 7. Bony structure Humerus head Glenoid 8. glenohumeral joint effusion DDx. adhesive capsulitis 9. Glenohumeral ligament, joint capsule, rotator interval, and coracohumeral ligament 10....
Acromion : curved subacromial spur(+) : mild 7. Bony structure Humerus head : a few small subcortical cyst (largest : 0.8cm sized) with bone marrow edema at posterosuperior aspect Glenoid 8. glenohumeral...
(2)Subacromial spur with SSP tendon insertion 부위에 sclerotic change 가 관찰되어 shoulder impingement syndrome 의 가능성이 있을 것으로 사료됨 (3)Subacromial spur with SSP tendon insertion...
injury~회전근개손상 subacromial spur~견봉하박차(흔적) calcific tendinitis~견관절 극상건염(석회화 건염) calcific deposit~석회화 침전물 effusion~(액체의)유출물 diffuse~널리퍼진...
4) 검사 (1) 이학적검사 : full ROM, painful arc syndrome (정상관절가동범위, 통증호 증상) (2) x-ray : both shoulder subacromial spur, GT sclerosis (양측 견관절의 견봉하 골극, 상완골 대결절의...
검사명: Shoulder MR(LT) 판독내용: 1) Bone structure Mild Lt subacromial spur소견이 보입니다 2) Joint space normal labrum. normal glenhumeral lig 3) Rotator cuff Lt supraspinatus tendon내에 partial tear소견이, subcapularis...
... Partial thickness intrasubstance tear of SST Subacromial spur Normal appearing BLHT Normal appearing glenoid labrum No evidence of significant joint effusion 판독부탁드립니다. 치료 방법도 부탁드립니다. Right shoulder MRI...
... Subacromial spur가 약간 있음. Supraspinatus 상방에 1.9 cm 크기의 peripheral enhancement를 보이는 fluid collection이 관찰되는데 intramuscular ganglion cyst와 같은 benign cystic lesion으로 생각됨. Coracohumeral...
... subacromial impingemment d/t subacromial spur -- subacromial/subdeltoid bursitis 2. mild increased signal intensity of supraspinatus tendon --> mild tendinosis 3. anteroinferior labaral tear (probable 4h~6 direction) --with a large associated...
... Subacromial spur. Arthrosis, AC joint. [RECOMMEND] Clinical correlation and MRA if needed 안녕하세요. 하이닥-네이버 지식iN 영상의학과 상담의 노훈 입니다. 1. 후하방 관절와순에 재파열 소견 있음 2....
... Mild acromioclavicular joint hypertrophy with small osteophytes and minute subacromial spur. Superior migration of humeral head with small osteophyte. Decreased volume of supraspinatus and fatty infiltration of supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and...
절제관절성형술 - 수술소견: Rt Sh ACJ(acromioclavicular joint) arthrosis, Subacromial bursitis Bony spur, LHB tenosynovitis ■ 심사결과 ○ 제출된 영상자료 등 검토 결과 보존적 치료내역 및 MRI 상에 회전근개 극상건 부분파열...