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이름을짓고있습니다 soothing 과 calming relaxing 의 미묘한 차이를 알고싶습니다 calming relaxing - 편안한 휴식 soothing - (속상함을) 달래는, 위로하는
짖음방지기 Calming Face Wrap 상세한 정보와 구입처 가격 등등 알고 싶어요 울 강쥐가 너무 짖어 분사식 써고 있는데... 주변 항의에 스트레스 너무 받고 있어요~ㅜㅜ 도와 주세요~~~ Calming Face Wrap에 대해 구매를 하더라도 온라인...
calming herbs suncream 네 맞습니다 채택부탁드립니다~ ㅎㅎ
유의어라고 되어 있는데 기본적으로 restful은 형용사적 의미고 calming은 동명사 성격의 의미인데.. 네이버... 이 둘을 유의어라고 했는 지 모르겠어요. restful : (마음이) 편안한, 평화로운 calming: (마음을) 안정[진정]시키는
지금 제가 보는 책에 calming이 형용사 '차분하게 하는... Blue lights are more attractive and calming than the yellow. 앞에 형용사 attractive가 나와서 형용사 and 형용사. atrractive and calming 이렇게 돼야하는데 calming을 형용사로...
... a calming effect on these naturally anxious individuals. 이 문장에서... a calming effect on these naturally anxious individuals. 이 문장에서... a calming effect(보어 : to부정사구) on these naturally anxious...
The newly launched fragrance line consists of a total of four perfumes, including Salon de Paris, a calming and luxurious fragrance, and Comptoir de Thé, a fragrance that carries the scent of...
Galas said that she and her team worked with Bryte on best-sleep practices, like setting the thermostat to 68 degrees and recommending that guests have a warm pre-bed bath (with calming Le Labo...
Aquatic exercise that relieves muscle tension through gentle movements using water, ▶ Aqua Calming; Aqua therapy, where you can experience the world of underwater meditation through the flow and waves of water, and...
Yoon said that according to various research results, water has a calming and tranquilizing effect on the mind, and emphasized the creation of a waterfront park at the public cemetery as a consideration for the rest of...
Prison psychological specialist Randy Kulesza, left, and Christine Ransom stand in the doorway of a "sensory" room that offers calming blue walls in which harsh fluorescent lighting is dimmed by...
Some sauna masters blast Metallica, while others prefer calming beats. Some dress up as Vikings. But there are two immutable rules: No clothes, and don’t enter an aufguss once it’s started...