Profound검색어 결과
그리고 울쎄라를 구입했습니다.) 시네론 칸델라 사의 프로파운드 Profound 라는 장비가 좋다고 해서 데모를 진행하였습니다. 프로파운드는 니들 알에프 (Needle RF 고주파) 장비입니다. 카트리지는 진피층과...
티커 기업명 섹터 세부종목 시가총액 PROF Profound Medical 헬스케어 초음파 전립선 질환 치료기기 개발 529M 출처: Profound Medical 기업개요 MRI와 초음파를 이용한 전립선 질환 치료 기기를 개발한...
이런 태도를 전달하는 이름을 짓고 싶어 고민하다가 Profound 라는 단어가 떠올랐어요. pro(앞에) 와 found(기초)의 합쳐진 단어 profound의 어원은 '기초보다 앞서 있는 것'이에요. 심오한이라는 뜻 보다는 바탕과...
절차순서를 거치지 않고) 건너뛰다 profound : [형용사](영향/느낌/경험 등이) 엄청난, (지식/이해 등이) 깊은, (질문 등이) 심오한, 극심한, 완전한 REF:
Sarah Lucas, Unmasked: From Perverse to Profound Not widely known on this side of the Atlantic, the British sculptor has a show at the New Museum this fall the may cause jaws to drop. 올가을 이쪽의...
박중춘 교수님) 심오한: 엄청난, 중대한, 深奧한, profound(deep, profound insights), 高深的[gāoshēnde], しんおう, profond[pʀɔfɔ̃], profundo, orakelhaft(tiefgründig) ☺ 성공한...
profound 파생어를 찾고 있어요.. profoundly,profoundness는 이미했고 하나만더 있으면 되는뎁.. profound 파생어를 찾고 있어요.. profoundly,profoundness는 이미했고 하나만더 있으면 되는뎁.. >> 명사형은 profundity...
... a profound understanding of their group psychology and culture. and acquiring a profound understanding 여기에서... a profound understanding of their group psychology and culture. and acquiring a profound understanding 여기에서...
-I am always thankful to people who are profound in conversation. -I am always thankful to people who have a profound conversation. --- 1 문법 틀린 부분이 있나요? 2 의미 차이는요?(200808) 문법적으로 다 맞습니다 첫 문장은 대화에서 심오한...
1)I'm deep and profound yesterday,I'm sooooooooooo busy~~ today,I'm deep and profound 요기까지해석좀그리고 I'm deep and profound 이것의 뜻이 심심하다는뜻이 맞나요?... 빠른시간대에..ㅠㅠ 1)I'm deep and profound 난 깊고...
... 제가 profound의 뜻을 영영사전으로 찾다가 좀... 이렇게나와있는데요 profound/adjective/formal (본뜻)having a very great effect (예문)the story had a profound effect on me and made me want to become a writer 여기서 profound...
What she must say is profound! 지식인 가입하고 첫 번째 답변이네요! What she must say is profound! 해석하면 그녀가... What she must say - 주어 {그녀가 말해야 하는 것} is - 동사 {~이다.} profound -보어 깊은, 의미심장한. 이...
But Barry Prentice, a professor at the University of Manitoba and a member of its transport institute, told me that the loss of bus service had a profound effect on many Canadian communities. It...
Are its customs and traditions the most mythic and profound? Let’s answer some questions about the N.H.L. playoffs as they get set to begin. When do the playoffs start? Saturday at 7:15 p.m....
It’s not permitted for someone to experience profound suffering in a way that is not... EZRA KLEIN: One of the really profound and profoundly sad things in life is the way we learn to close...
“People in my world always felt there was a possibility of a pandemic by a new virus,” she said, “but the magnitude and speed at which it happened, and the profound impact on the world, was...
"If the epidemic is prolonged further and continues to affect everything negatively, we need a profound policy rethink," Choi added. However, married couples on the whole found that lockdown...
I don’t just mean that it’s momentous, though in some ways it is, if something so nearly silly can also be nearly profound. I mean that it is based closely — and yet imaginatively — on...