SUM cast(StockValueInCCCrcy as nsdm_stock_value_in_cccrcy) as StockValueInCCCrcy, @Semantics.... valueHelp: '_StorageLocation' _StorageLocation } where MatlWrhsStkQtyInMatlBaseUnit <> 0 and...
in other types of gears. It complies with NSF-H1, exceeds the requirements of DIN 51517-3 as well... 0, -1, -2 PD is the mineral version of the all-rounder grease. It is particularly low-friction and...
The exit polls were fairly accurate this year too, a rarity in the USA. Tom T. 2024-11-06 07:32:22 36 0 Hide Replies # A lot of Republicans see Vance as the temperamental and ideological...
4100: SELECT CAST(CAST(0x41 AS nvarchar) AS varbinary) Automatic data type conversion is not supported for the text and image data types. You can explicitly convert text data to...
Float and Timecode Generator By Erik Naso Deity introduced a prototype version of the PR-2... audio as syncing in both LTC Audio and TC is simple and fast when using the new free Sidus...
lead and crime link. 116 Comments print Comments Derp 2024-12-19 13:34:21 42 0 Hide Replies... and China could just give nukes to Iran. The Mideast in general is irrelevant, as China...
... LVFFCTIME, 3, 0 , ':') , 120 ) ) > 0 AND DATEDIFF(DAY... 120) as iNSERTTIME FROM #WTM_OvertimeListList_OrgList WHERE Ref_No NOT IN ( SELECT Ref_No FROM WTM... FLAG = N'D' ) AND CONVERT(NVARCHAR, LIST.USES_DT, 112)...
... LogTime >= @StartDate AND LogTime <= @EndDate AND (DATEPART(MINUTE, LogTime) = 0 OR DATEPART(MINUTE, LogTime) = 15 OR DATEPART(MINUTE, LogTime) = 30 OR DATEPART(MINUTE, LogTime) = 45) ) AS LogData PIVOT ( min(LogValue) FOR Name IN...
... a select clientele, railroad and shipping soon allowed... The vertical cast support structure was prefabricated... In the center, an organ and a dance space for up to 4000 people animated the visits. The new building was...
... iv_group NVARCHAR(5) ) DECLARE @equip TABLE ( item_no... (kwh) as '발전량' FROM th_inverter_day WHERE sl_id = @sl_id AND item_no in (select item_no from @equip where blank= 0) AND dt between @sdate and @edate GROUP BY...
... calldate),0) as calldate from (select row_number() over(partition by t1.eui order by t1.calldate desc)... lora_type='14') WHERE 1 = 1 and npi.p_code in (1044) order by CAST(t.eui as SIGNED); 해당 쿼리에서...
... ( select F.forbidden_string from ( select forbidden... set @isvalid =0 if (@isvalid = 1) begin set @nchar_name = cast(@char_name as nvarchar(17)) SET @position... 65280 and UNICODE(@noasc_name) < 65375) or UNICODE...