(A) concrete (B) noted (C) respective (D) signified “Rhodes 대학의 교수이자 ----- 역사학자인 Chen Fu 씨는 다음 달에 그 박물관에서 강연을 할 것이다.” 빈칸에 들어갈 단어는 noted?...
noted : well known or famous, especially because of some special quality or ability - a noted author Longman Dictionary noted의 사전적인 의미는 “저명한, 유명한”입니다. “주목[주의]하다, (중요하거나...
숙녀분 먼저, 여성 우선 라는 뜻의 Ladies first 그리고, 알겠습니다 라는 뜻의 Noted... Luke: Noted. (루크: 알겠습니다.) 여기에서 noted는 알았다, 이해했다 라는 뜻이에요. Well noted(잘...
famous, noted, celebrated 유명한 ●famous 가장 일반적으로 사용되는 좋은 의미의 유명한 -He... ※나쁜 뜻으로 유명하다는 의미, 즉 악명 높은 ●noted 특정한 분야에서 유명한 -She is a...
질문 출처 : https://cafe.naver.com/maljjang2/1168463 A less often noted difference is that when landed with their wings closed, living skippers fold under the trailing edge of their hindwings. 질문하신 분의 질문처럼 land는 "착륙하다"니까...
Well noted with thanks 잘 알았습니다. 감사합니다. 가장 자주 쓰이는 표현이에요. I am well noted of the information, thank you.를 축약했다고 생각하면 기억하기 쉬울거에요. 2. Well noted. Thank you를...
The little boy noted that the crowd did not cheer for him this time, which puzzled him 이 문장은 몇형식인가요... (주) / noted(동) [that the crowd did not cheer for him this time, which puzzled him] (목). 3형식 종속절...
noted가 '알아차리다'라는 뜻이 있는것이 맞나요? 어떤곳은 맞다고 하고 어떤곳은 아니라고 해서 헷갈리네요 ㅠ noted 유명한, 잘 알려져 있는 note 주목하다, 주의하다, 언급하다
(추가 질문) Food allergies will be noted but food pickiness is more your problem than theirs. --- 1 가능한... 2 번역은요?(200602) Food allergies will be noted but food pickiness is more your problem than theirs. □1 가능한...
(추가 질문) 1.4voa She noted that people in Greece do not... 2 [noted]대신에 [paid attention to]를 써도 되나요? 3 [noted]대신에 [attended to]를 써도 되나요?(200625) 1.4voa She noted that people in Greece do not openly...
it should be noted, though, that no development in the internet job age has reduced the importance of the most basic job... it should be noted, though, that no development in the internet job age has reduced the importance of the most...
... 외국회사가 어떤 서류를 요청해서 그런 서류 없다고 답변했더니 Noted. 라고 답이 왔습니다. 무슨 뜻인가요?... 보통 Well noted 혹은 Duly noted 라는 표현을 씁니다. 궁금증 해결에 도움이 되셨길 바라며 이상 모바일 초대장...
Errors are corrected during the press run whenever possible, so some errors noted here may not have appeared in all editions. To contact the newsroom regarding correction requests, please email...
“From a socioeconomic historical and spiritual perspective, the Donghak Peasant War should be noted as an independence movement. At the time of the Donghak Peasant War, even if the Japanese imperialist invasion did not...
In his first formal press conference since taking office, Biden noted that "U.N. resolution 1718 was violated by those particular missiles that were tested." Biden also warned: "There will be...
in fact, he noted that what was missing now was much of an ideological contest. (“You don’t have Russia talking about Communism anymore,” he noted.) He has always said he would cooperate...
In his first formal press conference since taking office, Biden noted that "U.N. resolution 1718 was violated by those particular missiles that were tested." Biden also warned "there will be...
Redfield’s comments, he noted that the remarks were only an opinion. Dr. Fauci said that there are different ways viruses could become adapted to humans. “You know one of them is in the lab...